Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Working Part Time Article

"Workin' 9 to 2: Taking Steps to Make Part-Time Job Setups More Palatable"
Wall Street Journal- February 17, 2005

It sneaks up on you like a virus, surfacing first in small symptoms -- an extra hour at work here, a weekend worked there. Then suddenly you've got it bad:

Schedule creep.

Schedule creep is the nasty tendency of work to expand beyond allotted hours and fill all available time, with no corresponding increase in your paycheck. It's a big problem for people on part-time schedules in particular, who often find themselves working 100% time for 75% or 80% pay. Worse yet, part-timers are often sidetracked in their careers, on the assumption they aren't dedicated to their jobs.

Now, some creative remedies are coming from an unlikely front: law and accounting firms. Battling above-average attrition rates, firms are using new tools to ensure fair treatment of part-timers, such as appointing in-house monitors to make sure that they aren't overworked. More employees are working part-time in these firms and getting promoted while they do so.

Signs that your employer's part-time policy is flawed
- Only 3% or fewer of all employees work part- time
- Only women work part-time
- Part-timers work full-time for part-time pay
- Part-timers get assignments full-timers don't want
- Part-timers quit at higher rates
Source: The Project for Attorney Retention

The tactics bear lessons for all employers. More U.S. workers would like to work part-time than actually do. Among full-time wage and salary employees, 18% would prefer to work part-time; of those, 44% say their employers wouldn't let them, says a 2002 study of 2,810 workers by the Families and Work Institute, New York.

To make part-time setups work better, some law firms are taking tips inspired by an unlikely source: teen magazines. Attorney Joan Williams modeled a "usability test" after the rate-your-boyfriend quizzes in her daughter's magazines. "We refer to it as 'the boyfriend test,' " says Ms. Williams of the Project for Attorney Retention at American University, Washington, D.C., which researches ways to improve work schedules. One issue the test measures is "schedule creep," a term she borrowed from the construction industry, where it denotes contractors' tendency to work past deadlines. Among other criteria: How do part-timers' assignments, promotion rates and attrition compare with full-timers'?

Dozens of law firms have used the test to help guide their policies, including McNees Wallace & Nurick, Harrisburg, Pa., whose improved part-time policy took effect in 2003. Previously, lawyers who wanted to reduce their hours had to cut case-by-case deals, and part-timers sometimes didn't get as good assignments as full-timers, says Helen Gemmill, an attorney with the 105-lawyer firm. Dismayed that a half-dozen attorneys who quit the firm one year were all women, McNees Wallace suspected that lack of flexibility may have contributed to the brain drain and vowed to improve its policy.

McNees Wallace turned the schedule-creep problem upside down. Instead of paying part-time attorneys less, the firm pays them more per hour. Part-timers with two or more years with the firm receive three-quarters pay for working two-thirds of normal hours. If working part-time helps keep them with the firm and avoid the cost of replacing them, "you're still making money for the firm," says Steve Weingarten, managing attorney. The firm also allows part-timers to progress on the partnership track at the same rate as full-timers. The quit rate among women attorneys has plunged, he says.

In another move, some accounting firms are assigning coordinators to monitor the welfare of part-timers and others on nontraditional schedules. PricewaterhouseCoopers, New York, named a "flexible work arrangements coordinator" 18 months ago.

"We don't want people getting sucked into working a 95% schedule and being paid for 80%," says Jennifer Allyn, a human-resource manager with the firm. The coordinator's quarterly audit of employees' time sheets helped Ms. Allyn diagnose schedule creep in a part-timer on her own staff, who was working five days a week for four days' pay. At the employee's request, Ms. Allyn returned her to full-time pay.

Ernst & Young, New York, has employed a flexibility director since 2001, and has an in-house consultant who tracks part-timers' pay and assignments.

The legal and accounting professions are useful workplace laboratories because they tend to be pressure cookers of stress, fueled by ever-rising billable-hours expectations. Nearly half, or 48%, of law-school graduates, and 62% of college accounting grads, are women, who tend to want flexibility after having babies. Also, law and accounting firms track billable hours, making it easy to evaluate productivity.

A few firms are chalking up marked increases in part-timers: 8.1% of the 1,007 attorneys at Hogan & Hartson, Washington, D.C., work part-time, compared with a national average among law firms of 3.9%, according to the National Association of Law Placement, an organization of law schools and employers. Hogan & Hartson heeds criteria similar to those in the usability test, with an unwritten but firm policy that makes sure part-timers have a chance at becoming partners, says the firm's Linda Oliver, herself a part-time partner.

At Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & Dorr, 4.2% of its 1,000 attorneys work part-time, including 10 of its 290 partners, and attrition among part-timers is low. Matt Chambers, Washington, D.C., is among them; he works reduced hours as a partner so he can help his 8- and 10-year-old children with homework and coach their soccer teams. "To know that I can be there" for them, he says, means a lot.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pengenalan Dari Penulis

assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera saya ucapkan kepada kawan-kawan...pertama sekali saya ingin berterima kasih kepada kawan-kawan yang sudi melawat dan berkunjung ke laman blog saya yang tak seberapa ini...saya menulis blog ini bertujuan untuk berkongsi sedikit sebanyak yang boleh dikongsi bersama untuk kebaikan bersama...saya berharap sangat kapada pengunjung blog saya ini dapat memberi respon dan pandangan mengenai maklumat yang saya berikan.di harap dengan komen dan idea daripada rakan-rakan semua dapat memberi ilham dan motivasi unyuk saya perbaiki dan mantapkan lagi kandungan blog saya ini...sekian,terima kasih....

Malaysian Career


Saturday, September 5, 2009

Alat Penjimatan Minyak

Harga Tawaran: RM715
Jaminan Produk: 1 Tahun
Kod Produk: i-charge
Kos Penghantaran: Percuma!

Alat penjimatan minyak kereta, teknologi terkini dari Jepun untuk kenderaan yang menggunakan bateri 12 Volt, cara penggunaan sungguh mudah iaitu hanya cucuk sahaja di pencucuh rokok kereta anda.

Jika anda malas nak keluar, takut terperangkap dalam kesesakan lalu lintas, kesukaran mencari tempat letak kereta, tidak tahan panas terik, khuatir dengan ancaman rompak, ragut, peras ugut, dan anda gemar menggunakan internet. Belilah dari kami..Disamping itu juga anda boleh menjana pendapatan disini dengan mendaftar menjadi ahli.Pendaftaran hanya RM5 saja.

Untuk maklumat lanjut lihat bahagian produk dibawah:


Friday, September 4, 2009

Jana Pendapatan Bersama Speed Adsense

Kejayaan team SpeedAdsense menganjurkan seminar pada awal bulan Ogos yang lepas, dimana lebih 50 peserta berkampung di Hotel Armada, Petaling Jaya dengan misi untuk menjana puluhan, malah ratusan dollar setiap hari dengan menggunakan sistem mereka. Lawat (http://www.speedadsense.com/index.php?ref=kise) untuk melihat sendiri bukti keberkesanan sistem mereka.

Kini, mereka menawarkan pula kepada anda sistem yang bernilai RM1597 untuk di-test drive hanya sekali dengan bayaran serendah RM40/USD15. Peluang ini hanya muncul sekali sahaja, di mana selepas ia ditutup, anda tidak akan menemui peluang ini dimana-mana.

Selepas test drive ini ditutup, harga membership akan dinaikkan kepada RM1970, maka, anda perlu lah bertindak dengan lebih cepat!

Secara am'nya, setiap referral yang anda salurkan kepada team SpeedAdsense, anda akan menerima RM1. Maka, lebih banyak yang anda refer, lebih banyak $$$$ yang anda terima. This is no BS.

Ketahui lebih lanjut dengan melawat (http://www.speedadsense.com/index.php?ref=kise
Atau klik saja dibawah;

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hello 4 all my friend.i hope u all always happy and success every time...
here's i'm want share a small biz and part timer job at home..For more detail u all can log my website below:

Rich and Home by Gabriela Nagyova

Many of you may think what a weird, or what a wishful thing. I am not saying I am rich, but I am working on it.You can work on it as well. Do you want to know how? Well it is quite easy. I am working from home, and I am earning money by advertising products for others. If you are intrigued you should know there are many companies who will pay you for publishing their products. How much, it depend of company, of product or how much time you spent working. It is quite easy when you learn the basics. What are the basics in internet marketing? Well it is advertising on internet by any legal mean. You can advertise for free (yes that is possible as well) or for some little money. No matter what you decide it is worthy. Just few hours of your time every day can earn you quite an income. What everything you need? Just time! Good will, determination and internet would be essential. There is no need to be scared or pessimistic. If you will not master the art of internet technique by yourself you can always look for help. There are literally thousands of people who do work in this area and their techniques are possible to find on internet. But if you are as unsure about it as I was, go for more information to this website www.richandhome.biz You can also give a phone call to this number for personal touch with experts 1 - 480 -355 - 5612 extension 35264.

Berminat kerja sambilan dirumah?Author by Kise

Berminat kerja sambilan dirumah?
Berminat kerja tanpa tekanan?
Berminat jana pendapatan sendiri tanpa had dan sempadan?
Susah mencari pekerjaan?

Jangan risau......

Satu program telah direka khas untuk mereka yang sedang mencari pekerjaan atau mereka yang ingin menambah pendapatan sampingan.Hanya bekerja dirumah dalam program pemuatan sampul surat dan pengiklanan.

Dapatkan panduan kerja dirumah terbaru di pasaran sekarang hanya
RM40 dan anda akan dapat satu panduan untuk membuat blog dengan percuma.
Anda juga boleh menggunakan panduan ini untuk memulakan bisnes dan pekerjaan dirumah anda serta merta...CEPAT DAPATKANNYA hanya modal RM40 anda boleh mulakan kerja serta merta dirumah dan jana pendapatan sehingga RM300-RM500 seminggu.

Untuk mendapatkan panduan ini anda boleh transfer@cash deposit ke akaun dibawah:

1. Bank in RM40 ke akaun cimb:12420062496528
2. Bank in RM40 ke akaun maybank: 162263308176

3. Sila emailkan nama,alamat,masa dan tarikh bank in ke alamat email kyrol_bfx@yahoo.com untuk pengesahan pembayaran dan penghantaran pos.

4. Proses penghantaran pos akan mengambil masa lebih kurang 7 hari selepas kami menerima pembayaran dari anda.

D = Doa
U = Usaha
I = Istiqomah (berterusan)
T = Tawakkal

TAPI INGAT!!! Tanpa usaha kejayaan tidak akan tercapai.

Part Time 4 U Headline Animator